About Me

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I'm one of four kids, big family. I love food; eating and cooking it. I am really big on music, every type.(I am a huge Beatles fan). I'm a typical jersey girl- love the beach, night life, summer time fun, but enjoy the winter. I like going out- but appreciate a nice movie night. I have the best friends in the world and as of right now, I wouldn't change anything in or about my life, for the world. I am going to Kean University as an English Major (literature option)- Elementary Education (elementary, middle and secondary edu.) (k-5 5-8) I'm a glass half full kind of person with many aspirations which I intend to fulfill.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

..i would never write about that...;blog 5

well, in class we went into some deep detail about what we wouldn't go into detail about! (ironic) we discussed if we were asked to write something we wouldn't want to write about- what would it be...?
i thought for a while because as much as i complain and I'm a cry-er-- i really dont have much to complain about. i have a good life with a lot of positive in it- then after i thought a while i came to the realization that if i was to publish an article, short story or even autobiography on my life and my family... i probably wouldn't want to (does that make sense?)
i have a big family- immediate (4 kids) we're only 2 years apart between all 4 of us. my brother 26. sister 24. me 21. little sister 19. we're all pretty close and at the same time want to kill each other.
i probably wouldn't want to write a story about us because honestly, i bet most of the readers wouldn't believe half of what i say.
of course there would be a long drawn out process-
i would start with the basics, clustering/webbing. i would write all of our names (Anthony Jessica Jennifer Carleigh) and cluster about each of us.. (I'm not going to go into details because i might get in trouble by the law! ha ha)
after clustering i would probably free write. the funny thing is when i was free writing in class- i couldn't stop my pen from moving. one thought led to the next and before i knew it i started getting mad. it would go from a good thought and a laugh to what a jerk! i cant believe that happened oh and then this and that. so i think my free writing process would be long and drawn out. it might even turn into a rough rough draft with different memories thrown together.
next i would probably read, read, and reread my free write and eliminate and add to make it more flow-y so i could make sense of it for someone who didn't know exactly what i was talking about.
i would start with my first rough draft after analysing my free write.
even though it would never happen or work- i would then probably interview or ask my siblings how they felt about a certain incident of what their fondest/least fond memory of all of us together was-
there would definitely have to be some interviewing because being the middle child, i probably have a different perspective as everyone else! ha. (yes whoa is me, they gang up on me ha ha)
next i might do a little bit of visual analysis- maybe if i sit back and see how they interact, it would be less hard for me to "fit in" and understand whats going on... we might actually get along if i do some visual analysis.
lastly, i would have to somehow compile all this mumba-jamba into some sort of organized literature to start the 1st book of my series- the MacDonald siblings because i know for sure, there will not only be one book. i could probably make 2 full books out of the first 20 years of my life with my siblings!
i probably wouldn't want to write about it though ha ha.
a thought and actually writing it down on paper is a fine line i don't know if i would want to cross- especially because my older sister might kick my butt!

(i hope this is what you wanted- i posted on your main post asking for help because i was a little confused-)
thanks =]

....the MacDonald siblings series has a good ring to it!!!!!!!!

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