About Me

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I'm one of four kids, big family. I love food; eating and cooking it. I am really big on music, every type.(I am a huge Beatles fan). I'm a typical jersey girl- love the beach, night life, summer time fun, but enjoy the winter. I like going out- but appreciate a nice movie night. I have the best friends in the world and as of right now, I wouldn't change anything in or about my life, for the world. I am going to Kean University as an English Major (literature option)- Elementary Education (elementary, middle and secondary edu.) (k-5 5-8) I'm a glass half full kind of person with many aspirations which I intend to fulfill.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Prompt (for the assigned essay): 1.  List what you see as the essay's main focus (what it "shows") and the points or evidence it offers to "prove" that point.  2.  Discuss or describe the essay's methodological approach, its methods, and how the author analyzed her data.  3. What other kinds of research projects or problems would this author's approach be good for?  What might you use this methodological approach for?

To begin with, Moreno took me by surprise. When I read the first few paragraphs- this paper sounded like an opinion paper. I thought there would be a lot of strong, passive remarks regarding her take on race, ethnicity and culture and how it intervienes with education and literature in the classroom.
After reading deeper, I came to the conclusion that this was a way of reaching out and telling readers that there is a fine line between knowing how to write well and being educated in writing well.
One of the best aspects about this paper is when she tells us that based on someones social background, ethnicity and culture, their ability to connect and process their take on literature, varies.
She tells us that background has an impact on the way we learn. This right here-shows me there is ethnographic methods in this paper. Based on location and ethnicity; certain perspectives can be influenced.
Reading further, academic discourse came into play when Moreno took it into her own classroom.

Moreno also told us that based on ethnicity it can alter not only challenge the students in literacy but the classrooms perspecitve as a whole.
Through ethnologcial, visual analysis, interviewing and academic discourse, Moreno tells us that all students, no matter race or ethnicity, should be educated equally.
In my opinion, there should be no scapegoat for someone who isn't "white american". We all learn at different rates which is taken into consideration, but to baby or even punish someone who isn't fluent in the English language because they are not 100% american, is un-american itself.
I think that this essay really brought light to the people (myself) who are planning on being future educators. This study is great to read when you're going to teach your own classroom. Being educated yourself on knowing the in's and out's of the classroom flow, ethnicially, socially, literally, can create a warm enviroment for your students.

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