About Me

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I'm one of four kids, big family. I love food; eating and cooking it. I am really big on music, every type.(I am a huge Beatles fan). I'm a typical jersey girl- love the beach, night life, summer time fun, but enjoy the winter. I like going out- but appreciate a nice movie night. I have the best friends in the world and as of right now, I wouldn't change anything in or about my life, for the world. I am going to Kean University as an English Major (literature option)- Elementary Education (elementary, middle and secondary edu.) (k-5 5-8) I'm a glass half full kind of person with many aspirations which I intend to fulfill.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

blog 10; chat & adult questions

dangerous vs. funny
list questions you have about the chat transcript, do more in depth reading. then list questions and do an in depth reading of the adult learners transcript as well...

Chat Transcript questions & in depth reading;
(might be more of statements and rhetorical questions/statements)

Why was a 5th grader on a chat with friends talking to stranger?
Is she telling us "...dangerous" because she know's it's dangerous or she wants us to think more of her bad situation?
She didn't know the consiquences then- but does now, which leads me to believe she is trying to justify herself by telling us she know's it's wrong...now.

Sticky situation giving your phone number to a stranger... usage of past/present/future tense mix up.. leads us to believe she is still maybe living the experience. Why does she use the present tense when referring to something that happened over 10 years ago?

A lot of justification by the mention of "DANGEROUS".. does she intentionally mention this word to show us she knows right from wrong ?

She knew the guy wasn't her age by the sound of his voice and hung up. She was nervous about him finding where she lived but the thought was then passed up for the thought of.. "my mom's going to kil me"..
why is she more concerned with her mother being upset with her than the actual phedophile?
Did her mother give her some type of trust and it would have been broken with this issue?
Is she close with her parents or opposite? Understanding relationship?

She mentioned her mother not knowing how to use a computer - is this why she is strict on her siblings about the computer now- does she not trust or know the chat world is too tempting and since she didn't get the proper knowledge from her parents about chatting, is she trying to establish that understanding for her siblings? (long drawn out question! ha)

so from 5th grade to high school, trial and error took place - knows how to navigate now. More experienced?
Always with her friends/ no supervision?

dangerous vs. funny

with friends again, entering chat rooms- Why does she still go into the chat rooms after she was in a serious situation?
Mention of dangerous again-
Why does she use past tense when talking about photoshop then go to present? Is it because she is still currently using it?
Why was technology the main souce of entertainment between friends?

Why are they chatting with random guys again?!
Why was the pastors son so mad when he was doing the same thing; talking to random girls via chat room?
Why is she using funny as appose to dangerous now?
the fact that it was a farmiliar face helped ease the situation-
Why was she still lying about her age?

this is pretty funny because i remember going on the computer and my mother would yell at me if i was in a chat room or something. she taught me to not do that- but i do remember changing my screen name every other day- to jenn<311 or jenn<3syou.. corny screen names. ha.

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