About Me

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I'm one of four kids, big family. I love food; eating and cooking it. I am really big on music, every type.(I am a huge Beatles fan). I'm a typical jersey girl- love the beach, night life, summer time fun, but enjoy the winter. I like going out- but appreciate a nice movie night. I have the best friends in the world and as of right now, I wouldn't change anything in or about my life, for the world. I am going to Kean University as an English Major (literature option)- Elementary Education (elementary, middle and secondary edu.) (k-5 5-8) I'm a glass half full kind of person with many aspirations which I intend to fulfill.

Monday, October 31, 2011

drafting my discourse-

i already know what questions i want to ask. my notes are valid and throughout my 1st rough draft.
i dont want to go into detail about WHY she is going into chat rooms but moreso- is she embarrassed that she told us this story that might make us feel bad, scared, worried for her well being? or is she unsure of how to change the negative vibe of her in the chat rooms-?
does she sway us from unsure to laughing it off by spitting out the pedophile chat experience- bitting her tongue then gives us a funny chat story to make us brush off the bad vibe we're getting?
i want to know why she still did go into chat rooms and send pictures.. but i cannot come to a concises with the chat and conversation to prove that point... maybe she just enjoyed it and we cant judge her for that- but we can devolop a offputting question-
is she justifying herself because she blabbered out a bad offputting situation? by telling us a funny chat story?

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